A Page Has Turned For Mars Hill Church
Over the last year, God has called us to more closely examine where He is taking us and what His plan is for us. Through that process God has lead us, Mars Hill Church to join with Grace Community Church in North Liberty.
On one hand, this started years ago, when Pat Sokoll, one of our founding pastors, began meeting regularly with the leadership at Grace Community Church for mutual encouragement. Since then Grace Community Church and Mars Hill have partnered informally on a number of projects. On the other hand, this started about 1 year ago, when Grace Community Church approached Mars Hill asking about a formal partnership.
As of April 1, 2011, Mars Hill church has officially merged Grace Community Church. We've kept the nameGrace Community Church and the Mars Hill Church name will be phased out. As we worked through this process it was apparent to us that God was calling us to merge churches with Grace Community Church.