Being a Family on a Mission

May 19, 2010 - 5:56 PM
Discussion questions for developing a family mission statement
The following questions and statements can help you in thinking through your family mission.  Not all the questions need to be answered.  And not all the questions will really hit home to each person.
1. How do you measure success for your family?
   a. What is promised by God?
   b. Are your expectations for your family, ones that God shares?
   c. What are God's expectation for your family?
2. What are the goals/missions of God's family and body (the church)?  
   How can these apply to your family?
3. Are there areas where you (or your spouse or your family) seem to easily or consistently get distracted from the most important things?  
   How can you address these areas in your mission statement?
4. List important "practices" your family has, then write why these are important.  
   What goals do they accomplish?
5. How does your mission involve and apply to the wife and mother in the family?
   a. What are the practical steps for your wife?
   b. Does she understand her role in your mission?
   c. Is she onboard with your mission?
6. How does your mission involve and apply to the husband and father in the family?
7. How does your mission involve and apply your children?
8. How does your mission relate to the body of Christ?
9. How does your mission relate to unbelievers?
10. What scriptural basis exists to support your family mission?
Additional Thoughts
- Keep your mission big picture and not overly specific.
- Your mission statement will evolve over time.
- In order to live out your families mission, it's important to associate practices or actions with each element of the mission.  These practices will likely change over time.  Still having them will allow you to assess if you are on track to hit your mission.
- Your family mission statement doesn't need to include everything the bible says to do.  It's a simplified statement to help you prioritize and be reminded of that which is most important.  It will be unique to you and your family, although it might be very, very similar to others.

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