Mars Hill Prayer List - June 2, 2008
- Bovenmyers moved into their new home near Hawkeye Court!
- Many gospel conversations took place at the Memorial Day picnic!
- The body of Christ was beautifully displayed and the weather was perfect at our picnic!
- New Beginnings pregnancy outreach center has a very successful "shower"!
- Summitview Community Church, Greeley, CO: Please pray for a fruitful summer of outreach through our Discovery Groups, Small Groups, and Sports Camp.
- Candlewood, Omaha, NE: Pray for more laborers; and to be more radical in their love and bold in their witness.
- The Rock, CSU: Pray for many salvations within the community.
- New Song CC, Phoenix: For opportunities in evangelism; encouraging cell groups; for a continual spirit of faith in the face of seeming impossibilities.
- Valley View, Henderson, CO: Pray for growth and for wisdom and guidance as we consider restructuring our church this fall.
- Glen Arbor, West Chicago: FAN "Friends and Neighbors" plan for West Chicago 20th Anniversary Picnic.
- The Rock, Salt Lake City: Please pray that God would give us wisdom in building our believers.
- Prairie View, Prairie View, Parker CO: Leaders to model ‘speaking' the gospel.
- Stonebrook Community Church, Ames, Iowa: Pray for life-transformation for the 16 people from Ames who are going to Leadership Training in Colorado this summer.
- Pray for Herschel Martindale as he trains leaders in the Philippines.
- Harvest Community Church-Lincoln, NE: For God to open doors for the gospel and grant the saints boldness in sharing the gospel and for God to add to our number.
- The Rock-Iowa State University, Ames, IA: Pray for a renewal of student discipleship within the Rock.
- New Life, Cedar Rapids (Marion), IA: Please pray that God would continue to open doors for serving and reaching our neighbors with the gospel.
- Sandy, Utah: Please pray for favor and grace from lenders, lawyers, sellers, architects, etc. for the desired purchase of a facility in Sandy. Pray for our capital campaign in the fall (Joshua 24:13).
- Day 7, Loveland, CO: Praise God for blessing us with a new meeting location!
Mars Hill Prayer Requests:
- The tornado victims in Parkersburg and other Iowa cities.
- Encouragement & strength for Britt, and that her body would respond well to the treatment.
- Pat's trip to Nepal with John Meyer - wisdom to learn about reaching the nations and safety traveling.
- The GCC Pastor's Conference June 23-25.
- Jessica Darling's health and encouragement, and that the doctors would be able to identify the cause of her illness.
- Comfort and peace for the family of Gary Bonjour.
- A spiritual harvest from this year's service projects.
- Housing for the Vokouns near Hawkeye Court.
- The growth and reproduction of our house churches.
- The success of Pulse, our spiritual and emotional healing ministry.
- Our leadership training efforts - GCLI and leader's meetings.
- The gospel to ring forth from Mars Hill Church!
Personal Requests:
- Please share your requests with the group
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